
Our proprietary online collaboration tool providing an extensive range of features intended to provide transparency of every project we are working on no matter how big or small.

Collaboration is key
Online Project Management

Provided completely free of charge, the Academy Hub can be tailored to work to suit you at both Academy and Trust Level, access can be tailored on a user-by-user basis providing a comprehensive collaboration tool.

Exercise Book / Knowledge Organiser Ordering

The AcademyHub is the ideal location for subject leaders and principles to provide the number of each Exercise Book they require for the upcoming year. This provides a central easily accessible tool to collate exact figures to place an Academy-wide or Trust-wide order.

Explore Bespoke Exercise books
Print on Demand

Pre-approved templates for design items such as Business Cards, Posters, Leaflets, Signage etc can be ordered from the AcademyHub, these templates can be configured to allow certain elements to be customised such as Name, Date, Event, or Contact Information which can be previewed online before ordering. Once ordered various levels of approvals can be added to allow your marketing or finance teams to have visibility prior to going to production.

Explore our Print service
Design Requests

Users can provide a design brief which once approved by a designated member of your team will be assigned to one of our creative designers. AcademyHub allows the designer to communicate directly with the requester regarding the brief and also provide proofs for approval. As all communication is transparent the relevant people in your organisation have full visibility.

Explore our design service

When making use of our warehousing facilities, items can be made available to order directly from the AcademyHub with real-time stock levels showing. We can also implement quantity restrictions and add finance/marketing approvals to provide you with greater control of your stock.

The AcademyHub can also allow items to be ordered which are stored elsewhere however real-time stock levels would not be available for these items as they are outside of our control.

Explore our Warehouse service
Payments / Budgets

The Academy Hub can be set up in a number of ways to facilitate how you work as an organisation, centrally controlled budgets, individual Academy / Department budgets, even Card Payments.


With all orders going through the AcademyHub access can be given to key individuals within your organisation to access a number of reports including Order, Stock Levels and Exercise Book quantities.

see it in action
For a personalised demonstration of the AcademyHub please contact us
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